Sunset in Tokyo near Gotanda Station Jo Beth and Yuri exploring the Rikugien Gardens near Kawagome Station God has blessed the Japanese so richly in the creation that surrounds them. All glory to Him! …because of some personal details mentioned in April’s update, we’re only posting photos from the last letter. If you would like…
Author: John and Jo Beth
March 2014 – Update
Dear Family & Friends, Happy spring to you! This is our very first experience of the Japanese cherry blossom season, when the rhythm of life for nearly everyone changes pace for the sake of beholding the beauty of the Sakura. Ohanami, or “flower viewing,” is more than just seeing; millions of people embark on picnics…
Japan’s Great Blizzard of 2014!
From beginning to end, the roads and sidewalks were slushy and sloppy. Only days before, spring seemed imminent. Like a kitten in a chicken coop. In his loafers, John keeps to the tracks. “Be sure to prop your wipers up so they don’t freeze to your windshield.” “Marshmallow Trees?” “Marshmallow Trees!” – Jo Beth …
February 2014 – Update
Jo Beth enjoying Tokyo’s record-breaking snowfall! Dear Family & Friends, During February, our first full month in Japan, we experienced some of the deepest snowfalls Tokyo has seen for several decades! To be honest, it felt kind of homey (though nowhere near as cold as Iowa!). We were so glad for the opportunity to show…
January 2014 – Update
Greetings from Japan! Winter Blossoms Dear Family & Friends, We arrived safely on January 17th and have spent the last couple of weeks getting settled into our apartment, neighborhood, and ministry team. We live in one of four apartments in a building owned by ReachGlobal, our missions agency. Right next door lives Lisa Nishimura, and…