Dear Family, Friends and Partners in the Gospel, Last night we had the joy of sharing about God’s work in Tokyo with a children’s Bible club called AWANA. Heavy snowfall had just begun, so as several children prayed over our time together, they asked God for safe travels home for everyone. After we finished up…
Author: John and Jo Beth
2016 – January Update
Dear Partners in the Gospel, We are happy to be back in Iowa on home-assignment! Up until now, these past few months have been full of transition for our family. We’ve had a lot of challenging days (and nights!), but God has graciously provided the strength and rest we’ve needed to keep going. Thank you…
2015 – Christmas
Merry Christmas from the Lees! As new parents we have a fresh understanding of how humbly Jesus came, submitting Himself to all the limitations of being human. It is because God first loved us that He sent His precious son to die for us that we might become sons of God. So with our most…
2015 – September & October Update
Dear Family, Friends, and Partners in the Gospel, It’s an exciting season in our lives, waiting for little Baby Lee to make an appearance! Our due date is this week, and we’re thankful to be feeling ready to welcome a child into the world. Being pregnant in Japan has been a rich experience, and many…
2015 August – Update
Dear Family, Friends, and Partners in the Gospel, We recently said goodbyes to the Tokyo Trek7 team of six interns, who have now returned to their homes in the States. We spent six weeks together as we grew to love and appreciate them and watched God at work in and through them. The Trek7 program…